We are probably all addicts in one form or another be this work, alcohol, food, overspending many, and the list goes on.
But addiction can destroy our lives as we make ourselves busy doing something when really we need to be spending time getting to know ourselves. Because at the root of addictions are our true selves wanting to be at peace and move forward in our lives, rather than round and round in circles. And at the root of the our circles, are our limiting beliefs.
Limiting beliefs can be dealt with by psychological techniques, hypnotherapy, and other mechanisms. It’s all about finding out what works for you. And in order to find out what works for you, it would be sensible to book in with one of our GPs or psychologists. In order to stop our addictions for long enough to think about trying to get help with them, we need to develop awareness. Awareness is the single most important quality that allows us to stop and take a step back mindfully, to see what we are doing with our lives and to change our patterns.
We look forward to seeing you.