Register here for a naturopathic appointment

It is with great sadness that we write to inform you that will be closed with effect from the 30th of September 2023.
It has been our privilege to look after you, our PGP “extended family”, which includes over 30,000 patients during our 28-year history.
Our integrative work has been groundbreaking with some truly remarkable and humbling results for which, I believe, we became quite famous.
I would like to thank past and present patients and staff for your tremendous work as an extended team, together with our network of colleagues throughout the UK.
We have worked very hard to try and ensure a smooth transition for your healthcare.
We hope that the information below will be helpful to you.

Your future medical care

It is important that you have access to your NHS GP or other medical service in future should you need prescription-based medications. We are unable to recommend a medical practice but may be able to signpost you to appropriate support via
If you have special requirements as a past patient please email Responses are not guaranteed and will be discretionary.

How we handle your data

We have a legal duty to inform you of the way we are managing your data. Over the past two or three years, our policy has been to send you copies of all your letters, blood results, and notes from your consultations. Therefore, you should have enough information to provide any new GMC-registered medical practitioner.
Past medical records are held securely. Please send any SARS requests to

PGP still retains the contact data of all patients with an email address. This is with a view to making future contact to advise of any services being provided by PGP going forward. All patients are offered the option of opting out of this and having their contact data removed if they so wish.

Yours in health and happiness.
The PGP Team

Nutrition and Mental Health

Functional medicine, a biological systems approach to get the roots of mental health

Our Functional Medicine and Nutrition service including testing for micronutrients, fatty acids, homocysteine levels and food allergies, can provide invaluable help for sufferers with mental health problems.

Not only are we able the offer the services of our doctors but we also have a full nutritional testing service which will pick up deficiencies and help with optimal nutrition. There is much evidence for instance that deficiencies in vitamin C, zinc, multivitamin B especially B3, and essential fatty acids, contribute towards the huge spectrum of Psychological Stress that exists in all of us from time to time. At we do not just rely on antidepressants or other drugs to help our minds, we offer a full range of services extending to nutrition support, acupuncture and hypnotherapy and more… If you know somebody who is struggling in this area please tell them about our services.

Mental Health

For complex psychological problems such as autism and other mental health disorders such as Aspergers, ADHD and Schizophrenia, Functional Medicine and Nutritional Therapies can be effective in helping to reduce symptoms and problems.

Often drugs used in treating mental health problems can have significant side-effects which can benefit from nutritional advice, and it can also be very supportive and empowering for a family with offspring and/or a spouse suffering with mental health issues to have a non-medical therapeutic plan to complement traditional medical treatments.

Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and Depression and other psychological problems can all benefit from Functional Medicine and Nutritional intervention, whether taking Medication or preferring a non-medical treatment, the type of food you eat and the way you live your life can have a profound effect on your mood and anxiety levels.

We usually recommend that you have an initial Appointment with one of our Private GP’s link with consultation who can arrange suitable Functional Medicine tests link with functional medical tests for you and then refer you to one of our in house team or a Nutritionist. Link with nutritionist and dietician

If you believe that Functional Medicine and/or Nutrition and Dietary consultation could help you, one of your family or one of your employees or clients please do not hesitate to contact the practice and arrange an appointment.

Mental Health & Psychology

You are unique and we are ready to listen

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